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The Purge


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Watched The Purge the other night, got me thinking what would I do if it really was a thing. Ovs hiding wasn't an option so I opted for a murder, would drive to an ex workmates house with a samurai sword and chain saw. Once at said house I'd fire up the chainer and go to work on his front door, once inside i'd track down the no doubt quivering wreck and fire the sword into him, gut shot then pull the beast upwards slicing him in 2. What would you do?? 

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9 minutes ago, cheesepipes said:

Theres an absolute knob that lives across the road from me, a real complainer. 

But in a recent complaint it was my music was so load he had to postpone a Google Meet session with "his staff". He then complained on the bent Bankhead Community WhatsApp that the guy.... Me.... Was so rude and didnt bother to turn it down. Correct, i purposely put on more aggressive music you shitstain. 

It was blazing sunshine, in the afternoon and he lives across the road and up 2 doors, my next door neighbour said it wasn't that loud.


So, yeah. Him, with a drill thru the kneecaps then put him in a bath of boiling water and pull him out all scalded, give him a final ear assult of Rock n Roll before pouring lighter fuel on him and tossing the match without looking back. 

Join the Bucksburn community facebook page as well, lot of stuff from your area. Utter wanks and kill joys.

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1 minute ago, cheesepipes said:

That wouldn't stop me. 

That baldy bonce of yours doused in solvent would be ablaze in seconds. Then, before you know it, BAM! Paint can off the fizzog. 

You'd then stumble in to a hall of mirrors, with a series of rabid wild wolves to slow you down  

Get past that and a room full of horny queers will swarm upon you, sticking their cocks in any orifices they can get sight of  

All the while Kendrick Lamar & J Cole would be blaring out from oversized speakers. 

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10 minutes ago, daytripping said:

Let me check if that was legal, will get back to you. I looked at Nairn fucking fortune, rip off cunts those parks just now.

Aye we'd paid for it last year and moved it. Got £125 in vouchers for the pub as well. Cunts that booked this year paid nearly double. You can see why though with the fucking stupid shit they have to do now.

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