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Ke1t last won the day on March 2

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  1. Seemed to be a lot of white trousers and Pringle sweaters worn over the shoulders, and too many sports jackets for a serious band. The other lad, Mick Talbot, was weird looking to be honest. Face looked like it was assembled with bits from other faces. He also looked a good bit older than Weller. Thought he might have been Weller's dad or an uncle. Seemed to appear out of nowhere, whereas Weller had beed lead singer for one of Britain's greatest bands. Who was this guy with his terrible hair and a nose that got nowhere near his mouth? Always had a problem with their percussion section, inna. I think the drummer and occassional tambourinist (GBN) were definitely speds. If we're being honest, Walls Come Tumbling Down was a cracker, though. Credit where it's due.
  2. Ke1t

    In the News

    I agree with the notion of calling the cops and letting them deal with it, rather than confronting some intruder and one of you ending up a bloody corpse on the floor. You either get battered, potentially killed, or you batter and potentially kill the intruder, and then you have to deal with cops who are only too happy to get an arrest if you've bludgeoned some jakie to death. The reality is different, though. You think you hear someone in your house and you're probably going to get seriously pissed off and want to batter them over the heid. And before you know it you're running downstairs, cock flopping out of your jammies, wielding a sock full of pool balls, and ready to launch yourself at the cheeky bastard in your hoose.
  3. Second retirement. First was around 2010.
  4. Dangerously low body fat, coupled with a technique that involved a death grip and smashing down on your little fireman repeatedly and enthusiasticaly for a prolonged period of time. You weren't so much a sexual partner as the victim of a particulary violent assault on your lower torso. It was great.
  5. Massive bruises on my pelvis that lasted about 4 weeks.
  6. If she did then I still banged her after two of our star players, so that's contact of a sort. If she didn't then I can claim actual, physical sexual contact... sort of... with two of our star players, but in a no-homo sort of a way, clearly. It's a win win.
  7. Haven't been impressed by them at all, though obviously only seen them in games against us and highlights of other games. Kudos to them for third, but IF we get our shit together next season under Thelin they should be emminently beatable at their current level.
  8. I banged a stripper who had just returned from being shagged by two of Aberdeen's star players, both of whom were married I should add. Their names will also remain a secret, though at this point I'm sure it doesn't matter.
  9. Ke1t

    Thread O Twitter

    Fuck me. And he was definitely killed?
  10. Ke1t

    In the News

    I read somewhere that the best deterrent against burglars is a dog. Even one of the wee, shivering rat breeds like a Yorkie or a Chiuahua will give a burglar second thoughts. Not from a 'It'll tear me limb from limb' point of view, but because it'll just stand there yapping and shivering and waking the entire street up. No-one's doing their best work with that sort of racket going on, especially burglars who prefer a quiet work environment. Bigger dogs are better, because they'll back their noise up with proper violence, obviously. No need for firearms or murder. Surprised said fermer didn't have a couple of ratting dogs, at the very least. Jack Russells, or the like.
  11. None of the players are benefitting from the procession of shite managers. Hopefully Thelin is the real deal, and the players can start to find their form under a settled management team who, unlike the previous however many, have some idea what they're doing.
  12. Ke1t

    Thread O Twitter

    Should only be allowed to move farm equipment along roads between 2 and 5 in the morning. That's what fermers are at their most active anyway.
  13. Solid player. World Class in comparison to Hayes and Morris.
  14. "The land is offered without planning permission" You get a haunted shed and you'll like it.
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