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Howard Marks

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  1. Agree with this. I used to go every year and it was actually alright at the old AECC due to it being a smaller venue. Much better atmosphere and the bar queues didn't seem as bad. The move to the new place has been a bad move for the experience of the darts but all involved in organising it are likely coining it in. Atmosphere gets completely lost at TECA and the bar prices and queues are ridiculous. Why they can't have dozens/hundreds of pre poured pints is baffling. Pints get ordered then they take forever pouring them. It's a big money maker and they manage to make a pig's ear of it. Been to it twice there and will never be back. Imo the Music Hall would be a cracking venue for darts. Similar to the Wolverhampton Civic.
  2. Good morning, A coca cola chaser. Kind regards, HM
  3. 😎👟 I rest my case your honour.
  4. Further to the above, I've realised that I've had 2000 posts in just under four years on here. Getting to 1000 in a under a month must take some doing. Holy Christmas.
  5. Oh for sure. 1000 posts a week isn't healthy. That being said, a large vocal minority are extremely intolerant of new posters. Taking some time away to have a real life, posting less frequently and posting more, also seem to raise suspicion and cause meltdowns.
  6. I'll let them know.
  7. I can't. That's a ridiculous thing to say.
  8. Dare I say it takes one to know one?
  9. To the contrary. I have a macropenis.
  10. The superhuman power a for woman to spotlessly tidy and clean a house on a Friday, before turning into it into a complete bomb site while getting ready to go out "but you don't do anything."
  11. 13. The weird guy who locks his van keys inside said van every week and pesters folk for a couple of quid for a bus back to Inverurie. Not seen him for a while. Extremely unfortunate for this to happen to him so frequently.
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