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Millertime last won the day on April 13

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  1. I adapt my content to the standard of whoever I'm dialoguing with So, if you think its poor content, have a wee think about what that truly means
  2. He's been absolutely guff The fact folk let him off is the inherent problem with the club Was the exact same with folk defending Bavidge after a grotesque performance in a big cup final Certain players for some reason get away with murder
  3. Paaaaaaaahahahahah Too much to dissect here so I'm not going to bother
  4. No it isn't It's primarily anger with him for serving up the shit that he is Then, secondarily, I thought at one point we would get 10m for him Now, I dont
  5. Hmm He's not exactly been world class with lay offs, flick ons or assists either, let's be honest Are you genuinely telling me you haven't been disappointed in him this last few months?
  6. Agreed on that - he always shows up in the big games, he's been great against those 2 Unfortunately there's 9 other teams in the league and it doesn't only last 18 or so games either
  7. There is zero doubt your intelligence doesn't stack up against mine, so let's not bring intellect into it Miovski has had a disappointing second half to the season, why can't folk just admit it
  8. He had a great first half of the season, absolutely He's now at the point theodore bair has as many league goals Sobering
  9. Spoiled for wanting our "star" striker to actually bloody score? The lack of criticism from anyone else is absolutely bizarre and maybe the reason I'm being as vocal as I am about it. He is unreservedly escaping criticism
  10. I just want him to start scoring again bruv Not too much to ask of a striker that plays practically every minute of every game, is it? Theodore Bair now has scored as many in the league Bair How does that land with you?
  11. I never If he keeps not scoring, I'll keep moaning about him
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