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Ke1t last won the day on March 2

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  1. I just checked, you're absolutely right on that. He, like many others, seems to have used religion as a means to beat his addictions, and kudos to him on that. Prior to that he was an atheist. I feel the whole born again, getting baptised thing is a fairly obvious PR move at this particular time.
  2. Serious question... why do you think he found god all of a sudden?
  3. Ke1t

    In the News

    You start by addressing what I said. Should be easy enough. After all, that's what healthy debate demands, yes? Here, I'll help you. 1. What's the economic return on investment on military operations? 2. What's the imbalance in Chinese demographic spread as a result of a single child policy going to mean for China's ageing population, infrastructure, and social benefits system. How does the Plenum address that and make it look like a positive? 3. How will India respond to a drag on their economy that promises to pull their economy into, at the very least, lower growth than previously predicted?
  4. Ke1t

    In the News

    I mean, I'm not so sure the Russian and Chinese economies are doing all that fantastic right now. Russia's all kinds of fucked, despite the artificial bouyancy of a war economy (there's no return on investment on a 500lb glide bomb), and China's Third Plenum is imminent, which will likely be a bunch of lies being applauded beneath the big plastic hammer and sickle, while in the background the demographic timebomb China set for itself looks just about ready to go Boomba! Is India going to be happy funding their failure for the next few decades?
  5. Ke1t

    In the News

    I'm always open to bombing Serbia, tbh. I doubt 'Little Russia' has the economy or political power to send shockwaves through Europe, though. Where Russia goes Serbia follows, like the UK with Uncle Sam.
  6. Ke1t

    Thread O Twitter

    For whatever reason most Capital Cities/Major Cities have a seriously disproportionate amount of gorgeous women. Think it's all the walking they do. Keeps them fit.
  7. Russell Brand... does some raping, gets his collar felt, finds jesus, still has time to grift. What a guyie wuyie.
  8. Benny Hill... never really appreciated the guy, tbh. Can only imagine the reaction to him today. So much for 'Rape is never funny'.
  9. Ke1t

    In the News

    I definately got a fucking scare when I saw her picture.
  10. Thunderstorms snuck up on us overnight and destroyed my fledgling weed farm. Start again, I suppose. Cunt.
  11. Muggy here the day. Muggy.
  12. I'm sure if they'd been appealing against a decision vs the Filth the 'frivolous appeal' shite would have been yanked out as a message to other wee teams that might have ideas above their station.
  13. Ke1t

    Thread O Aberdeen

    One of the real characters of Aberdeen... sadly missed, like shacky heid mannie.
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