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Millertime last won the day on April 13

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About Millertime

  • Birthday 07/02/1984

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  1. Oof All sorts of gymnastics there to try and create an issue you can complain about, eh?
  2. It's a pathetic thing to try and downplay someone else who came third Very much a glasgow-team viewpoint, funnily enough It's immaturity at its finest
  3. Haha so yeah, it's all good stuff To be fair, at least a lot of the folk on twitter are apologising Fantastic lesson hopefully learned re how bloody dangerous and downright stupid social media is
  4. Dunno If its an in-joke with Gueye then surely that's actually a good thing for team spirit? Shows a unity, for me
  5. I'm really proud of myself actually Was incredibly rational in my response
  6. I find it hard to believe that's what's happened Someone's surely gave him it to put on?
  7. Hmm It isn't healthy and if anything it validates them It's a much bigger insult just hating them when we play them and not letting them enter our heads otherwise, surely?
  8. Yep, would have been really superb It's partly why I'm annoyed at him - should have broken all sorts of records this year
  9. He has got a point though I like you, I'll say that first of all, but then 2 things 1) they aren't the same club, as you yourself say, so what have they done in the last 12 years to consume you so much? 2) if you're doing what they do and saying they are the same club, can you not see how unhealthy it is allowing them to affect you so much? Why give them time of day?
  10. Yep absolutely possible as he's started pretty much every game and hardly comes off either Just rest him then! Just checked - 50 appearances, crazy
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