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maryhilldon last won the day on November 8 2023

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  1. Can't be too hard to evade a jobby.
  2. You're assuming I knew you were still in SA? I asked you a week or 2 ago if you were still there and you didn't respond. Your narcissism is boundless.
  3. The timeline on the post is when it was posted UK time. I never said i received a post, i said that was the time he insulted Poodler, (UK time)
  4. The timeline on your post says it was 11 hours ago, that's about 3 in the morning. So i wasn't wrong about that. You were throwing insults at Poodler, whether you were provoked or not doesn't change that. I never said you were drunk. I wasn't wrong about anything. You always assume I'm drunk though, so you're the one who's wrong.
  5. Did you hear about him bailing on his pals and leaving them to foot his bill? A wrong un.
  6. You're the one dishing out insults on the Hat at 3 in the morning. Maybe take your own advice?
  7. I see 'trying to be an edge lord' has replaced 'trying to impress the ladz' lately. Mixing it up a bit?
  8. BBC News article about the Africans fighting coppers on the beach in France today. They asked one of them 'does the threat of being deported to Rwanda deter you?' and he said 'no, as long as im safe and i can get an education'. He thinks being deported to Rwanda is preferable than staying in France? I've never been to France, is it really that bad?
  9. You intentionally fucked off without paying, leaving your pals to cover it. Displays a real lack of moral fibre.
  10. Plenty of jews in Westminster. Or spouses of jews like Braverman.
  11. Even worse when you don't say anything to your pals and leave them to get the grief.
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